I musi­ca­li pugliesi

Caleidoscopio Festival


Il festival

Il Festival Caleidoscopio nasce con l’o­biet­ti­vo di crea­re un’e­spe­rien­za cul­tu­ra­le coin­vol­gen­te e inte­gra­ta che cele­bri la ric­chez­za arti­sti­ca, musi­ca­le, cul­tu­ra­le e sto­ri­ca del­la regio­ne Puglia. Si trat­ta di un even­to che rap­pre­sen­ta il pun­to cul­mi­nan­te del­le atti­vi­tà cul­tu­ra­li nel­la ter­ra puglie­se, mira­to ad attrar­re visi­ta­to­ri da tut­ta la regio­ne e oltre.

La filo­so­fia del festi­val si fon­da sul­l’i­dea di uni­re la comu­ni­tà attra­ver­so gior­na­te affa­sci­nan­ti e ric­che di espe­rien­ze culturali.

The Festival

The Caleidoscopio Festival was crea­ted with the aim of crea­ting an enga­ging and inte­gra­ted cul­tu­ral expe­rien­ce that cele­bra­tes the arti­stic, musi­cal, cul­tu­ral and histo­ri­cal rich­ness of the Puglia region. It is an event that repre­sen­ts the cul­mi­na­tion of cul­tu­ral acti­vi­ties in the Apulian region, aimed at attrac­ting visi­tors from across the region and beyond.

The phi­lo­so­phy of the festi­val is based on the idea of​uni­ting the com­mu­ni­ty throu­gh fasci­na­ting days full of cul­tu­ral experiences.