
from A to Z

Aman­da Ben­ini

Label Man­ager



BoboStu­di­os is a label, record­ing stu­dio loc­ated in Puglia that boasts inter­na­tion­al pro­duc­tions thanks to col­lab­or­a­tions with artists from around the world, ran­ging from Richard Bona to Toquinho, from Sandro Haick to Amii Stew­art, to name a few. Addi­tion­ally, Bobo Stu­di­os is involved in pro­duc­tions, with a track record of both domest­ic and inter­na­tion­al dis­co­graph­ic pro­duc­tions and tours. Moreover, Bobo Stu­di­os is an inter­na­tion­al edu­ca­tion­al cen­ter, with col­lab­or­a­tions through­out Europe.

Giuseppe Bor­tone


Zero nove nove


Zero Nove Nove is a Man­age­ment and Book­ing agency. We rep­res­ent 7 pro­jects includ­ing Maria Maz­zo­tta, Faraualla, Yaràkä, La Can­tiga de la Ser­ena, Fab­riz­io Piepoli, Cris­ti­ana Ver­ardo and Dal:um.

Since 2018 we have worked at +600 gigs and our artists played in sev­er­al import­ant show­case fest­ivals: Womex, Babel Music XP, Fira Medi­ter­ra­nia de Man­resa, Tallinn Music Week, Med­imex, IKF Freiburg, MUM,etc.

In 2022 Zero Nove Nove made it’s debut as a Record Label. For 2024 the Label will release the new albums by Maria Maz­zo­tta, Faraualla, Dario Muci.

Paolo Cai­ani

Book­ing Agent

Super Taranta


Dir­ec­ted by Ant­o­nio Castrig­nanò and Mauro Dur­ante, Super Taranta brings togeth­er the icon­ic per­son­al­it­ies of the Salento piz­zica world. The best-loved and best-known artists of Salento music bring to stage the voice of a land that makes its loc­al iden­tity a glob­al invit­a­tion to meet and share.

In recent years, Apuli­an music has made its mark on the inter­na­tion­al scene, win­ning pres­ti­gi­ous prizes and per­form­ing on import­ant stages, over­com­ing ter­rit­ori­al boundaries.

Pasquale Calò

Artist­ic Dir­ect­or, President

Sprig­time Jazz Festival


Spring­time Jazz Fest­iv­al, cre­ated by the artist­ic research plat­form Medi­ter­raneo Rad­icale and the cul­tur­al asso­ci­ation Spring­time Jazz Fest­iv­al, is a trav­el­ing fest­iv­al of con­tem­por­ary jazz and exper­i­ment­al music that has been held since 2017 in vari­ous European cit­ies. The pro­ject con­sists of a series of con­certs, artist­ic res­id­en­cies, work­shops, pro­duc­tions, mul­tidiscip­lin­ary actions, etc. dis­trib­uted in the vari­ous ven­ues of the fest­iv­al. SJF2024 will be held in Italy and Brazil and will involve musi­cians from Europe, Asia and America.

Aless­andro Cam­po­basso

Artist­ic Director

Trig­gia­no Jazz Festival


Trig­gia­no Jazz Fest­iv­al was born with the idea of return­ing to the town of Trig­gia­no a cul­tur­al event ded­ic­ated to jazz music that includes the par­ti­cip­a­tion of prom­in­ent artists from the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al music scene. Our goal is to cre­ate a show­case for ori­gin­al music­al pro­jects, pro­jec­ted in a con­tem­por­ary dimen­sion of jazz, with par­tic­u­lar atten­tion in enhan­cing the poten­tial of young artists rep­res­ent­at­ive of the Apuli­an music scene.

Raf­faele Cas­arano

Artist­ic Dir­ect­or, Musician

Loco­mot­ive Jazz Festival


Loco­mot­ive Jazz Fest­iv­al rep­res­ents today the spear­head of a broad­er and more struc­tured pro­ject that is Loco­mot­ive, after 19 years of cease­less work, builds its actions on three major pil­lars: Loco­mot­ive with Youth, Loco­mot­ive with Cul­ture and Loco­mot­ive Lab. In this scen­ario, tak­ing part in Jazz I Am can only rep­res­ent a place for shar­ing best prac­tices and an oppor­tun­ity to acquire fun­da­ment­al tools and meth­ods to make real­it­ies such as Loco­mot­ive more and more effect­ive, both in terms of job oppor­tun­it­ies and shared growth.

Gio­vanni Chirico


Les Trois Lézards


Les Trois Léz­ards is a band born in Puglia, South Italy, in 2017. The quar­tet hails from an ima­gin­ary coun­try called “Tad­jiguin­ia”, where music, along with love, is the corner­stone of an ideal soci­ety devoid of human-gen­er­ated pol­lu­tion, and where there are no “polit­ic­al beings”, but rather “poet­ic beings”. In fact, their first release (June 2023) is called Gli Uomini Poet­ici. The band explores vari­ous music­al styles, includ­ing elec­tron­ic music, and integ­rates them into their acous­tic sound while emphas­iz­ing key folk music elements.

Domen­ico Coduto

Gen­er­al Manager

Ipe Ipe

Agency, Man­age­ment, Label

Ipe Ipe is a com­pany man­aging and devel­op­ing Itali­an artists on the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket, focus­ing on world and glob­al music. It rep­res­ents some of the lead­ing artists of the  music scene includ­ing Can­zoniere Grecan­ico Salentino, Justin Adams & Mauro Dur­ante, Babel­Nova Orches­tra, Bandad­ri­at­ica, Alessia Tondo, Clau­dio Prima & Seme, Bran­ca­le­one Pro­ject and oth­ers. Hun­dreds of con­certs all over the world and par­ti­cip­a­tions in the most rep­res­ent­at­ive inter­na­tion­al show­cases fest­ivals. Ipe Ipe is also a record label and pub­lish­ing company.

Kekko For­n­arelli

Artist­ic Director

Eskape Music

Label, Agency

In 2024, Eskape Music will con­firm its pres­ence at Jazza­head. In addi­tion to renew­ing the present­a­tion of its artist­ic roster, as well as the label cata­log, the fair will be a stra­tegic oppor­tun­ity to define the con­tinu­ation of the Inter­na­tion­al Tour 2024/25 for the latest album by Kekko For­n­arelli, “Naked” (already on tour in 2023 in Europe, Asia and Aus­tralia), and will be use­ful to close new agree­ments for inter­na­tion­al tours of pro­jects com­ing out in the next two years.

Sara Frass­anito

Artist­ic Director

Free­dom Jazz Festival


Free­dom Jazz Fest­iv­al achieves three main goals such as the per­form­ance of the Free­dom Extens­ive, it’s a jazz orches­tra with a vari­able unit, avaible to all the spe­cial guests who will work in “Artist in Res­id­ence”; the per­form­ances of young bands play­ing con­tem­por­ary jazz; the “Gianni Len­oci Inter­na­tion­al Award”, a com­pet­i­tion wel­comes unpub­lished works about con­tem­por­ary music. All pro­jects will be pro­duced by Lydi­an Records, our label.

Enrico Iubatti

Seni­or Book­ing Manager

Gian­luca Petrella


Par­ti­cip­a­tion at the Jazza­head con­fer­ence intends to con­tin­ue the pro­mo­tion of Gian­luca Pet­rel­la’s pro­jects in Europe in the jazz sec­tor, spe­cific­ally through meet­ings with pro­fes­sion­als in the sec­tor, in par­tic­u­lar pro­moters, cul­tur­al man­agers, agents and national/regional sup­port organ­isa­tions. Also through the con­fer­ence one can get an insight into the cur­rent music scenes and best prac­tices from around the world, includ­ing coun­tries out­side Europe thus enhan­cing the pos­sib­il­ity of inter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion of Gian­luca Pet­rel­la’s projects.

Massimili­ano Mam­marella

Event Man­ager

Idea Stu­dio Comunicazione


The pro­ject involves the applic­a­tion of the main con­tent cre­ation tech­niques for the web to the con­text of meet­ings and fairs ded­ic­ated to music and spe­cific­ally jazz music. The main pur­pose is to cre­ate, dur­ing the days ded­ic­ated to Jazzahead!2024, infograph­ic photo and video con­tent ded­ic­ated to build­ing a digit­al mar­ket­ing pro­pos­al declined accord­ing to the lens of the jazz fest­ivals of Apulia and more widely Italian.

Sabino Mar­tiradonna


Marsab Music Management


Rachele Andri­oli: A Lat­in soul from Puglia who exper­i­ments with mod­ern influ­ences and opens up to the Medi­ter­ranean. Sing­er, song­writer, per­cus­sion­ist from Puglia engaged in inter­na­tion­al artist­ic pro­jects of World Music. Through her voice, Rachele Andri­oli draws on travel exper­i­ences, col­lab­or­a­tions and encoun­ters with the cul­tures of the world.

Roberto Ottavi­ano: Act­ive on the inter­na­tion­al jazz scene for nearly three dec­ades, Roberto Ottavi­ano has been con­sidered one of the lead­ing and influ­en­tial European voices.

Ferdin­ando Romano


Ferdin­ando Romano


There are many legends that pop­u­late the magic­al land of Otranto, some rooted in the his­tor­ic­al events that have char­ac­ter­ized this part of Salento, in the deep south of Italy, and oth­ers that are legends passed down by pop­u­lar cul­ture. Ferdin­ando Romano has ded­ic­ated to them this music­al suite between con­tem­por­ary sounds, jazz and elec­tron­ics. The band is com­posed of some of the most inter­est­ing musi­cians in the European scene: Veli Kujala (Accor­di­on), Kirke Karja (piano), Ferdin­ando Romano (double­bass, mod­u­lar synth), Ramuel Tafenau (drums).

Michelan­gelo Scandroglio



agency, label

Just a few years after his first album as a lead­er and com­poser, “In the Eyes of the Whale” (2020), the young Itali­an double bassist Michelan­gelo Scandroglio adds a new and cru­cial piece to his work. With this band and this album he is tring to com­bine his old val­ues with more recent interests, try­ing to under­stand how music pro­duc­tion can fit into the inner work­ings of impro­visa­tion and com­pos­i­tion. The main char­ac­ter­ist­ic of this new record­ing is the search of a syn­thes­is, try­ing to recre­ate micro-worlds, brief moments that come together.

Car­mela Sen­fett

CEO, Agent

Lud­wing Sound


Lud­wig Sound Book­ing Agency is an inter­na­tion­al book­ing and man­age­ment agency. Included in this artist cata­log is the rock­’n’roll orches­tra Rekki­a­billy. Rekki­a­billy released their new album Spa­ghetti Jive in 2024. The sound of the album recalls the style of rock­’n’roll made in Italy, which over­looks the Amer­ic­an sounds of the 50s and 60s, coin­ing a new sound, Swing-Punk.

The pro­ject is rep­res­en­ted loc­ally by Man­ager Car­mela Sen­fett. The goal is to find ger­man and inter­na­tion­al part­ners in book­ing and digit­al distribution.