By sign­ing MoUs, Puglia Sounds as an organ­iz­a­tion estab­lishes part­ner­ships with oth­er insti­tu­tions and net­works. In this way, Puglia Sounds pro­motes the rich music­al her­it­age of Puglia and the growth of the entire region­al cre­at­ive scene.

Puglia Sounds signs MoUs with its part­ners, usu­ally for one year. The main object­ive of the MoUs is to allow the sus­tain­able and inclus­ive pro­gram­ming of the musi­cians from Puglia with­in the sched­ules of the organ­iz­a­tions asso­ci­ated with its Part­ners, through a pre-determ­ined eco­nom­ic contribution.

Over the years, Puglia Sounds has estab­lished numer­ous inter­na­tion­al and nation­al part­ner­ships. The part­ner­ships activ­ated for the year 2024 are with EJN — Europe Jazz Net­work, FWMF — For­um of World­wide Music Fest­iv­al and nation­al net­works I‑Jazz, Kee­pON Live, Rete Itali­ana World Music, Italia Jazz Club. These pro­to­cols are act­ive until 31 Decem­ber 2024.

Dis­cov­er the 2024 Memor­anda of Under­stading and send your application.

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