ESNS to Focus on Italy in 2025

ESNS (Euro­son­ic Noorder­slag), the key exchange for emer­ging European music, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Italia Music Export, proudly announces Italy as the Focus Coun­try for 2025.

ESNS (Euro­son­ic Noorder­slag), the key exchange for emer­ging European music, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Italia Music Export, proudly announces Italy as the Focus Coun­try for 2025. Every year, ESNS high­lights the best-emer­ging acts from a European coun­try, show­cas­ing the diversity of music­al tal­ent across Europe. Applic­a­tions for the upcom­ing edition—for all European artists—will open on May 1 via ESNS​.nl

Start­ing today, a lim­ited amount of Del­eg­ate Passes for ESNS 2025 are avail­able at a Super Early Bird rate. Join ESNS25 as a del­eg­ate and meet with taste­m­akers from the European music industry. Del­eg­ate Passes include access to ESNS Con­fer­ence and ESNS fest­ivals Euro­son­ic and Noorder­slag with fast-lane access, net­work­ing lounges and hos­pit­al­ity options, and the ESNS Del­eg­ates Data­base and ESNS Analytics.

ESNS 2025 will take place from Janu­ary 15 — 18, 2025 in Gronin­gen, the Netherlands.

Focus on Italy

ESNS has proven essen­tial in kick­start­ing the inter­na­tion­al careers of European artists and has grown to be the key event where music fans and industry del­eg­ates tune in to hear it first. Focus on Italy show­cases the latest music acts from Italy on the ESNS stage and puts them in front of an audi­ence of industry pro­fes­sion­als, media and music lovers.

Nur Al Habash from Italia Music Export com­ments: “After many years of work to strengthen Itali­an music abroad we’re ready to take the lead at ESNS with a wave of incred­ible musi­cians and valu­able music pro­fes­sion­als. The last few years have seen an impress­ive eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al growth for the Itali­an music industry, and we feel 2025 is the right moment to cast a light on our scene to fur­ther con­nect it to the world. There is still so much poten­tial to grow and we can­’t wait to take cen­ter stage at Eurosonic.”

ESNS Head of Pro­gramme Robert Meijerink is proud to have Italy on board as the focus coun­try for the 39th edi­tion of ESNS: “We are delighted to wel­come Italy as the Focus Coun­try of ESNS 2025.  Italy has a remark­ably rich his­tory in vari­ous genres and cur­rently has a very strong domest­ic mar­ket with more and more focus on export. We look for­ward to show­cas­ing the best up-and-com­ing artists from Italy and Focus on the ever-grow­ing and inter­est­ing live music scene includ­ing an impress­ive amount of ven­ues and festivals.”

Focus on Italy at ESNS25 will be sup­por­ted by Italia Music Export, Emil­ia Romagna Music Com­mis­sion, Ater Fondazione, Regione Puglia — Puglia Sounds, loc­al European Broad­cast­ing Uni­on part­ner Radio 2, European Tal­ent Exchange part­ner fest­ivals Apolide Fest­iv­al, Home Fest­iv­al, Linecheck Music Meet­ing & Fest­iv­al, Sud­wave Fest­iv­al & Con­fer­ence, and Ypsig­rock Fest­iv­al, and ESNS.

Applic­a­tions to show­case at the upcom­ing edition—for all European artists—will open on May 1 via ESNS​.nl

Attend ESNS25 as a del­eg­ate at a dis­coun­ted rate

Join ESNS25 as a del­eg­ate in Janu­ary 2025 and meet with taste­m­akers from the European music industry, includ­ing rep­res­ent­at­ives from com­pan­ies like Spo­ti­fy, Uni­ver­sal Music, Google/YouTube, Live Nation, UTA, See Tick­ets, MIDiA Research, Poll­star, IQ, and over a hun­dred European fest­ivals and live music venues.

A lim­ited amount of Del­eg­ate Passes for ESNS25 are now avail­able at a Super Early Bird rate at ESNS​.nl
Register now

ESNS Del­eg­ate Passes include:

  • Access to ESNS Con­fer­ence and ESNS fest­ivals Euro­son­ic and Noorder­slag with fast-lane access.
  • Access to net­work­ing lounges and hos­pit­al­ity options.
  • Access to the ESNS Del­eg­ates Data­base to net­work with oth­er del­eg­ates in advance.
  • Access to ESNS Ana­lyt­ics, where you can find up-to-date data on artists who per­formed at pre­vi­ous editions.

ESNS 2025 will take place from Janu­ary 15 — 18, 2025 in Gronin­gen, the Netherlands.

About ESNS
ESNS (Euro­son­ic Noorder­slag) is a non-profit organ­isa­tion and inde­pend­ent plat­form ded­ic­ated to pro­mot­ing and dis­cov­er­ing new European and Dutch music.

Foun­ded in 1986, ESNS annu­ally hosts the annu­al four-day show­case fest­iv­al and music con­fer­ence across ven­ues in Gronin­gen, the Neth­er­lands. Uncov­er the most enthralling emer­ging European (Euro­son­ic) and Dutch (Noorder­slag) acts ran­ging from main­stream pop to pro­gress­ive finds dur­ing the fest­iv­al, which sets the stage for lead­ing European fest­ivals. Expand your know­ledge of industry-lead­ing top­ics and innov­a­tion dur­ing the con­fer­ence, geared at trail­blaz­ing the music industry towards a sus­tain­able future.

ESNS has proven essen­tial in break­ing new European acts into live music scenes through­out Europe and bey­ond. Launched in 1986, the show­case fest­iv­al has an impress­ive his­tory and proven track record of kick­start­ing the inter­na­tion­al careers of artists like Alt­in Gün, Alina Pash, Arlo Parks, Baby Vol­cano, Deki Alem, Dua Lipa, Fon­taines D.C., girl in red, Hania Rani, The Haunted Youth, July Jones, Meduza, Priya Ragu, Pongo, Quer­alt Lahoz, Sigrid, Tram­haus, Trupa Trupa, and Wet Leg.

ESNS 2025 will take place from Janu­ary 15 — 18, 2025 in Gronin­gen, the Netherlands.