The call

Puglia Cul­ture, with­in the Puglia Sounds pro­ject, intends to con­duct a sur­vey of music pro­jects with the char­ac­ter­ist­ics spe­cified in the fol­low­ing Art­icle 3- ELI­GIBLE PRO­JECTS, in order to define a pro­gram­ming of 7 show­cases to be sched­uled in Bari on Fri­day, Septem­ber 26 and Sat­urday, Septem­ber 27, as part of the European Jazz Con­fer­ence 2025.

European Jazz Con­fer­ence, organ­ized by Europe Jazz Net­work, is the annu­al event for pro­fes­sion­als in the jazz sec­tor. The 2025 edi­tion of the con­fer­ence will take place in Bari from Septem­ber 25 to 28.
Dur­ing the three days of the event, more than 400 pro­fes­sion­als from the sec­tor, includ­ing pro­moters, agents, and pub­lic and private cul­tur­al oper­at­ors from over 30 coun­tries, will have the oppor­tun­ity to par­ti­cip­ate in pan­els, key­note speeches, work­shops, inform­al work ses­sions, and show­cases to exchange ideas, build new pro­jects, and strengthen inter­na­tion­al collaborations.

Eli­gible pro­jects will be included in a “Parco Pro­getti” (Pro­jects Folder) from which a ded­ic­ated Com­mis­sion of Experts will select 7 show­cases to be sched­uled dur­ing the EJC2025, with a min­im­um of 4 nation­al pro­jects and a max­im­um of 3 region­al projects.




How to participate

The applic­a­tion for par­ti­cip­a­tion can be sub­mit­ted exclus­ively using the rel­ev­ant online form. No oth­er forms of sub­mis­sion of the applic­a­tion will be accepted.


