

Tour Italia

Shows, where music is the main lan­guage, to pro­mote and enhance Puglia on Itali­an ter­rit­ory, includ­ing the region­al one. The pro­jects are clas­si­fied as young or seni­or depend­ing on the artists’ CV.

The call, in par­tic­u­lar, encour­ages qual­ity pro­gram­ming work on Itali­an ter­rit­ory, in fest­ivals and cul­tur­al ven­ues of greatest cul­tur­al relevance.

Who is it aimed at?

To pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­bu­tion and live enter­tain­ment organ­iz­a­tion entit­ies estab­lished in any leg­al form hold­ing a VAT num­ber with one of the fol­low­ing ATECO codes 90.01.09, 90.02.09. For non-European sub­jects who show char­ac­ter­ist­ics sim­il­ar to those just listed.

Archi­vio avvisi


