Internationalization of the Apulian music system
Puglia Sounds Export is the line of intervention aimed at promoting the presence of Apulian operators and artists in the international music market. Using regional and European funds, Puglia Sounds acts through public notices aimed at operators in the music supply chain in order to encourage promotion and communication activities in foreign markets of the various musical projects of Apulian artists or of music from the Apulian repertoire and tradition. Among the various actions introduced, we find the public notice called Puglia Sounds Export, aimed at stimulating the organization of tours of Apulian musical projects abroad. From 2010 to today, almost 2 thousand dates have been closed by Apulian operators, all over the world, also thanks to the support of Puglia Sounds.
Memoranda of Understanding
Puglia Sounds also signs, annually, partnerships and memoranda of understanding with other export offices, with international networks and with the associations of various musical organisations. At the basis of the memorandum of understanding there is an agreement between Puglia Sounds and the partners where Puglia Sounds recognizes an economic compensation, paid directly to the partner involved, in the case of these programs an Apulian musical project. Puglia Sounds continues in the internationalization of Apulian music with the renewal for 2024 of the memorandums of understanding with the EJN — Europe Jazz Network, FWMF — Forum of Worldwide Music Festival and national networks I‑Jazz, KeepON Live, Rete Italiana World Music, Italia Jazz Club. These protocols are active until 31 December 2024.
Fairs & Conventions
It’s still. With a view to the internationalization of the Apulian music scene, Puglia Sounds Export promotes the participation of Apulian operators in the major European and non-European fairs and conventions through a dedicated public notice, entitled Fairs and Conventions. Puglia Sounds takes part in these with its own institutional stands which become the reference stand for Apulian operators; facilitates the purchase of entry badges, corresponds to a variable amount that covers some expense items related to participation. Furthermore, within the programs of music fairs and conventions Puglia Sounds organizes and promotes communication, knowledge, meeting and relationship activities with international operators to support the presence of Apulian operators and artists, as well as knowledge of the Apulian territory . In this context, the same operators can propose trade fairs and conventions of international importance to participate in if not foreseen and defined by the annual programming of Puglia Sounds.
Who is it aimed at?
To entities established in any legal form with a VAT number with ATECO code linked to the music supply chain.
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