Puglia Sounds con­siders the music sec­tor as organ­ized in the fol­low­ing way: music cre­ation and pro­duc­tion, music per­formed live and on tour, as well as the inter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion and net­work­ing of music pro­jects and play­ers through­out the entire music sup­ply chain. This way of look­ing at the music sec­tor informs the draft­ing of spe­cif­ic calls for pro­pos­als, which are pub­lished annu­ally and are open to all play­ers in the sup­ply chain. Puglia Sounds Calls for Pro­pos­als are char­ac­ter­ized by three main ele­ments:

  • they can be applied for by entit­ies oper­at­ing in any part of the world — provided that the applic­ants can demon­strate a com­mit­ment to Pugli­a’s con­tem­por­ary cre­at­ive scene or music­al heritage;
  • ii) they estab­lish a pre-determ­ined or vari­able eco­nom­ic con­sid­er­a­tion, depend­ing on the call in ques­tion and the type of music­al pro­ject, defined as Young or Senior;
  • iii) they require that all phys­ic­al and digit­al pro­duc­tions, as well as offi­cial online and off­line com­mu­nic­a­tion and pro­mo­tion­al mater­i­als, con­tain a visu­al and tex­tu­al ref­er­ence to the Puglia Sounds call in ques­tion and to the related funds.

Each music­al pro­ject sub­mit­ted will be included in a rank­ing list called “parco pro­getti”. As for cre­at­ing and pro­du­cing music on phys­ic­al media, the Call “Puglia Sounds Record” has been act­ive since 2011. A pre-determ­ined fin­an­cial con­tri­bu­tion is giv­en to new record pro­duc­tions. The same is true for the Call “Puglia Sounds Pro­du­cers” for pro­jects of digit­al audio/video pro­duc­tions in sup­port of singles or EPs. The first edi­tion of this call is more recent, dat­ing from 2020. Depend­ing on the age of the musi­cians apply­ing (under or over 30 years old), both “Record” and “Pro­du­cers” dis­tin­guish between Young and Seni­or projects.

Live music, tour plan­ning, rela­tions with con­cert organ­izers and pro­moters, travel, pro­mo­tion and com­mu­nic­a­tion. With these activ­it­ies in mind, the Calls “Puglia Sounds Tour Italia” and “Puglia Sounds Export” grant a vari­able fin­an­cial con­tri­bu­tion to music­al pro­jects — cat­egor­ized in Seni­or and Young — that plan tours in Italy, includ­ing Puglia, and abroad. The dif­fer­ence between Young and Seni­or Pro­jects is based on num­ber of pre­vi­ous con­certs of the music­al pro­ject in ques­tion, determ­ines the min­im­um num­ber of tour dates required, and impacts the amount of eco­nom­ic contribution.

The geo­graph­ic­al dis­tri­bu­tion of the tours, the dia­logue between cul­tures, the exchange of skills and exper­i­ences, the optim­iz­a­tion of resources and res­ults, give vis­ib­il­ity to Pugli­a’s cre­ativ­ity and music­al her­it­age and pro­mote the pres­ence of Pugli­a’s musi­cians as guests of clubs, ven­ues and fest­ivals. The expli­cit aim is to con­trib­ute to the improve­ment of the tour­ist attract­ive­ness and the whole music­al sys­tem of Puglia.

The inter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion and the pro­mo­tion of the rela­tions between the oper­at­ors of the music sup­ply chain, but also the cre­ation and the pro­duc­tion of new pro­jects and busi­ness agree­ments are expli­citly tar­geted by the call “Puglia Sounds Export: Fairs and Con­ven­tions”. Through this call, Puglia oper­at­ors or rep­res­ent­at­ives of music­al pro­jects involving Puglia musi­cians can obtain a pre-determ­ined eco­nom­ic con­tri­bu­tion for par­ti­cip­a­tion in the most import­ant inter­na­tion­al fairs and con­fer­ences. Every year Puglia Sounds selects some of the Fairs and Con­ven­tions to par­ti­cip­ate in and wel­comes new ones, thanks to the well-foun­ded pro­pos­als of the oper­at­ors. This also means the dir­ect par­ti­cip­a­tion of Puglia Sounds and its rep­res­ent­at­ives with­in the inter­na­tion­al fairs and con­fer­ences, with its own exhib­i­tion spaces, net­work­ing areas, show­case pro­grams and sched­ule of meet­ings with inter­na­tion­al operators.

Last but not least, this inter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion pro­cess also involves the part­ner­ships that Puglia Sounds, as a pub­lic body rep­res­ent­ing the Region of Puglia and its musi­cians and oper­at­ors, estab­lishes with oth­er export offices, organ­iz­a­tions and music asso­ci­ations, both nation­al and inter­na­tion­al. You can learn more about these part­ner­ships in the cor­res­pond­ing sec­tion.