Puglia Sounds is a pro­ject of the Puglia Region aimed at sup­port­ing music pro­fes­sion­als and artists from Puglia. With its Puglia Sounds pro­ject, Puglia has become the first Itali­an region to con­sider music as an eco­nom­ic sec­tor that that boosts tour­ist attract­ive­ness and gen­er­ates jobs and wealth for the ter­rit­ory, and to devote human and fin­an­cial resources to its development.

Puglia Sounds has been work­ing for years to struc­ture and qual­i­fy the music sec­tor, offer­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for growth and visibility.

In Italy, Puglia is known as the region of world music, but it is also the region of jazz music. The music scene in Puglia is also vibrant with rock, pop, rap, sing­er-song­writers, opera, clas­sic­al music, tour­ing brass bands, exper­i­ment­al new wave and elec­tron­ic music.

Col­lab­or­a­tions between artists and European and Medi­ter­ranean influ­ences fuel a nev­er-end­ing flow of cre­at­ive energy, enriched by cross-fer­til­iz­a­tion with oth­er arts: theat­er, cinema, con­tem­por­ary art and dance.

The music sec­tor con­sists of the cre­ation and pro­duc­tion of music, the per­form­ance and tour­ing of music, and the inter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion and net­work­ing of music pro­jects and play­ers in the music sup­ply chain. This way of look­ing at the music sec­tor has led to the design and cre­ation of spe­cif­ic calls for pro­pos­als. These are pub­lished annu­ally and are open to all play­ers in the music sup­ply chain. Indeed, Puglia Sounds main­tains a con­stant dia­logue with pro­fes­sion­als and artists, sup­port­ing them at every stage of music production.

Every year, Puglia Sounds pro­duces and hosts Med­imex — Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al & Music Con­fer­ence. Launched in 2011 as a mar­ket fair with a full pro­gram of events, live per­form­ances and guest artists, in 2017 Med­imex became an inter­na­tion­al fest­iv­al with great live shows and a con­stantly updated cal­en­dar of events ded­ic­ated to the music industry and pro­fes­sion­al train­ing. In addi­tion to Bari, Med­imex has also been held in the towns of Fog­gia and Taranto.